Home051 Amjid, age 25, Pakistan2020 Global Art Competition051 Amjid, age 25, Pakistan

051 Amjid, age 25, Pakistan

My name is Amjid Ali. I am from a poor family. I am a diabetic. I am deaf and cannot speak. I was 2.5 years old when I developed diabetes. This has caused my life to have troubles. When my parents learned about my disease, they were very worried, but now I am a young man. I cannot do difficult manual labor because I have had this disease so long. My health deteriorates suddenly any time. I always need to be near another person, who can help me.

I have to inject insulin twice daily. My younger brother also has this disease. He used to inject insulin when he was little, but now only takes oral medication. Dr Angela is a good doctor. Because of her guidance, my brother is much better. She has really helped our family. My brother is much better compared to before. Diabetes is a bad disease. May God save all people from this problem.

Thank you,
Amijid Ali

Life for a Child USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization EIN 47-4901579.

Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund is a public ancillary fund registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and has Deductible Gift Recipient status with the Australian Tax Office. Donations to Life for a Child in Australia are received by the Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund and disbursed overseas via Clan Health & Development Relief Fund (CLAN) ABN 30 897 322 928.

Life for a Child is a program of Diabetes Australia.

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