Partners: NGOs and Foundations

American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Association Luxembourgeoise de Diabète
Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA)
Diabetes Empowerment International
Diabetes Online Communities
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
Health Action International (ACCISS)
International Alliance for Diabetes Action (IADA)
International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
NCD Alliance
Partners in Health
Rotary International
Soroptimist International (Luxembourg)
Swedish Diabetes Association
SWEET Project
Partners: Industry

Research Partners
Barbara Davis Center
Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
McGill University
University of Florida
University of Gothenburg
University of Pittsburgh
University of Sydney
University of the Sunshine Coast
Become a Life for a Child partner
We believe that no child should die of diabetes and seek partners who share this belief.
There are many ways you can help. Whether you are looking to make a donation, fundraise or volunteer, we have a variety of options for you to become part of the Life for a Child community. If you would like more information please contact us.
Together, we can create a world where no child dies of diabetes.