HomeYou can helpMake a Bequest

Make a Bequest

Your bequest will help to create a new future for young people living with type 1 diabetes in under-resourced countries.

Leaving a gift can take a number of forms:

  • the residue of the estate
  • a percentage of the estate
  • a specific amount of money
  • a life insurance or superannuation policy
  • assets such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery

Information for Individuals, Solicitors and Executors can be found below.

For more information on making a bequest, or just to have a chat about the difference your gift could make, please contact us.


If you intend to leave a gift to Life for a Child in your Will, or if you have already included us, we would really like to know so we can thank you personally. Informing us also allows us to better plan for the future.

Please be assured all information will be held in strict confidence and if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will respect your privacy.

Attorneys or Solicitors

If your client chooses to leave a bequest to Life for a Child you can use our suggested Will wording, below. For more information please contact us.

“I give, free of all duties and taxes *____ to Life for a Child **. An authorised receipt from Life for a Child will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
*insert either:

“The whole (or …%) of the residue of my estate”.

“The whole (or … %) of my estate”.

“The sum of $ (amount)”.

(Details of a particular asset — such as shares or property).

**insert either

For Australia – “managed by Diabetes NSW & ACT, ABN 33295568110, 26 Arundel St., Glebe NSW 2037’’

For USA – “managed by Life for a Child USA Inc. EIN 47-4901579, 2304 Trescott Dr, Tallahassee FL 32317”

For other countries – “managed by Diabetes NSW & ACT, ABN 33295568110, 26 Arundel St., Glebe NSW 2037”.

Contingency bequest

If you wish to make a contingency gift so that Life for a Child will receive a portion of your estate if your named beneficiary does not survive you:

“If any of the beneficiaries named in this will should die before becoming entitled to receive their distributive share of my estate, I direct my trustee to pay or transfer the share to which such beneficiary would otherwise be entitled, to Life for a Child for its unrestricted use and purpose.”


If you are an Executor of a Will that includes Life for a Child, please contact us for more information.

Life for a Child USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization EIN 47-4901579.

Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund is a public ancillary fund registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and has Deductible Gift Recipient status with the Australian Tax Office. Donations to Life for a Child in Australia are received by the Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund and disbursed overseas via Clan Health & Development Relief Fund (CLAN) ABN 30 897 322 928.

Life for a Child is a program of Diabetes Australia.

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