The day it was discovered that Andrés had diabetes, it started as a common cold. Despite giving him antipyretics and antibiotics, the discomfort did not subside. Until we managed to do capillary blood glucose which to everyone’s surprise, came out abnormal. It was then that we took him to the hospital where the nurse rudely and scolding us tried to draw blood to perform a laboratory test. Andrés, scared, caressed the face of the insensitive nurse causing her to lower her guard and treat Andrés more humanely. When the lab results came out, it was confirmed that he had diabetes. They checked his blood sugar the entire night that he was hospitalized. By the next morning he was stable. We knew that he had understood his new condition when he snatched the lancing device from the nurse and just pricked his finger to draw blood demonstrating his courage and acceptance of the new challenge that presented itself in his life.