Home072 Abdul M, age 21, Pakistan2020 Global Art Competition072 Abdul M, age 21, Pakistan

072 Abdul M, age 21, Pakistan

Human Behavior

It’s my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Abdul Moiz Kandorawala. I am 20 years old. I’m a BBA student at SZABIST University and single for the time being. My life journey until now has been more like a roller coaster ride with a lot of ups and downs and twists and turns. With the passage of time the ride has only gotten wilder, it’s at times really confusing, but somehow by the help of Allah I make it through.

I was born on 9th December 1998. According to my mother, she had no diseases while bearing me and I was conceived normally. I was born a healthy child, with no medical issues. I weighed around 6.2 kg. Everybody in my family was happy and excited to see me. I was the first and the only son of my family. Only five minutes after my arrival I felt the responsibility to become the right hand of my father as sons usually do who are born in a typical Pakistani family. Out of everybody my sister was the one who was most excited to see me. My family planned a dinner to celebrate my arrival. I started crawling when I was 6 months old and it took me another 6 months to take my first steps unassisted. My mother bought me a set of Legos and some more toys so I can play. I was very fond of toys, and no matter how much I got, I always wanted more. I didn’t start speaking at this moment but was very possessive about my toys, used to show anger if anyone tried to play with them. According to my mother I started speaking when I was 2 years old, my first word I spoke was Papa. My father always tried to indulge me in physical activities like Cricket, Badminton, etc. At the age of 2 my grandmother gifted me a car because I was really fond of cars.

My father got me admitted into the anchorage school at the age of 2.5 years, and I don’t exactly remember how the first day of my school was but it wasn’t a very good day. According to my Mom and my grandmother who took me to school on my first day I cried a lot. I got very nervous in this new environment, seeing so many kids, wearing the same clothes as me, it was very confusing. I vaguely remember the activities of that day, the only thing I remember was that the teacher drew a sun on my hand. The first was only an hour long, after that I went back home with my mom and my daddy. It took me a month or so to settle in this new environment. I made some friends as I was really friendly, and liked to talk to everyone.

But it wasn’t until grade 2 that I made a real friend. My best friend’s name is Madni. Up till now his importance is more than anything in my life. I clearly remember that I used to go to school only for him, if for some reason I couldn’t go to school, he wouldn’t talk to me the next day. He has been there for me whenever I need him, he has always supported me in my difficult times, and he is still one of my best advisors. On my way back from school my grandfather use to buy me little treats to motivate me like gola ganda. I was an average student throughout my academic life and I still am. It was only once or twice that I miraculously scored an A. My parents have always supported me no matter how many marks I scored.

When I was in grade 4 I started developing interest in cricket. I used to play cricket on roads and when my summer vacation started me and my friend Saleem joined custom cricket academy. Me and my friend used to go to the training at 9 in the morning. The coach used to make us run before the training, and after the training we used to practice our fielding skills.

Now I will be telling you about my medical issues. Before going on Umrah I was perfectly alright, but during Umrah I started feeling some symptoms, like I used to feel a lot more thirsty, I used to get tired, I had to go to the washroom very often. I came back from Umrah on 20 February. Only three days later, on 23 February 2014 the day was Monday and I was just cleaning my room and searching for my notes because this year I had to appear for my O-level papers. Suddenly I felt down and my parents took me to the hospital. The doctors checked my blood sugar because there were some symptoms. And after some hours the doctor confirms that I am suffering from diabetes. I couldn’t believe that from now on I’ll have the label of a diabetic patient. From that day onwards I pray to Allah that helps me to fight this trouble. As after having this disease my father was heartbroken because I guess I was their only son. It is very easy to say that it is a life style that just to control your sugar level and it can be controlled if you have a discipline, but trust me it is not. My sister told me that my father told to my mother if he doesn’t want to study he can do whatever he wants, it’s perfectly alright, his health matters more. My mother told my father that don’t ever say that again because he will be weak and mother said that let be him a fighter and let him fight it out. This strength was given to me from my mother. I am injecting insulin 4 times in a day, but this disease has never gotten on my nerves. It all seems very easy to a normal and a healthy individual but Allah knows how many tears I shed in front of him and ask for a better health. As when I pray I have a faith that if you pray before Allah and ask Him He will provide you beyond your imagination. Anything can happen if you please Allah. So we should strive every day, seek forgiveness from Allah, should never feel depressed or lost and should always be hopeful.

In my family there are 6 members, My parents, my 3 sisters and me. One sister is elder than me and two are younger. My family has a perfect relationship with me. As I am very close with my mother, I share every problem with her. My father used to motivate me in every moment. There is no disease in my family but only my grandfather has some blood pressure issue. My father is a very joyous person, I have hardly seen him taking any stress. The business that my father is doing right now, he inherited that from his father and I also plan to join my father in the expansion of his business.

This last year was a tough one for me, as I was on gap year, but Alhamdulillah I got into SZABIST. I’m pretty satisfied with where I am now. I try to be grateful and thankful to Allah at every step of my life. I feel that everything we go through involves the will of Allah, and Allah loves us more than 70 mothers, how can he choose anything bad for us? The story of my life shows a lot of problems but in the end I overcame all of them by the help of the All-Mighty.

Life for a Child USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization EIN 47-4901579.

Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund is a public ancillary fund registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and has Deductible Gift Recipient status with the Australian Tax Office. Donations to Life for a Child in Australia are received by the Diabetes Overseas Aid Fund and disbursed overseas via Clan Health & Development Relief Fund (CLAN) ABN 30 897 322 928.

Life for a Child is a program of Diabetes Australia.

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