Pour les enfants et les adolescents

Pour les professionnels de la santé

Autre matériel
Pour les enfants and adolescents
For kids & teens
Moseka et son amie
Moseka and her friend: a realistic illustrated storybook for all children and adolescents.
Developed in Democratic Republic of Congo and illustrated by Lepa and Bijou LOMBOTO ITOFO. Reviewed by Life for a Child regularly. No publication date.
Jeune, comment bien vivre avec le diabète
Young people: how to live well with diabetes: an illustration educational book covers a range of topics that young people with diabetes may encounter (67 pages).
Source: Marguerite de Clerck, Bijou Lomboto Itofo & Lepa Mabila Saye. No publication date.
Pour les professionnels de la santé
For healthcare professionals
Livre de poche pour le traitement du diabète chez l’enfant et l’adolescent dans les pays ā resources limitées
Pocket book for the management of diabetes in children and adolescents in countries with limited resources: a book covers 16 topics (33 pages).
Source: International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents Diabetes (ISPAD); Life for a Child; International Diabetes Federation (IDF). 2nd edition, 2017.
Manual des Pairs Educateurs
Peer educators manual includes 13 modules (80 pages).
Source: Marguerite de Clerck. 2019.
Programme d'enseignement en Endocrinologie-Diabétologie pédiatrique pour l'Afrique Francophone (website)
The PEDAF website provides training opportunities for French-speaking pediatric endocrinologists-diabetologists in sub-Saharan Africa including the Master’s program, which is supported by several research and diabetes organizations (e.g. LFAC, ISPAD and SFEDP).
CDiC Resources
Diagnostiquer le diabète chez l’enfant
Diagnosis of diabetes in children includes types of diabetes and diagnosis (25-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Prise en charge d’urgence: DKA
Emergency support: DKA includes DKA and its clinical management (40-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Prise en charge d’urgence: l’hypoglycémie
Emergency support: hypoglycemia includes signs & symptoms, treatment and prevention (15-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Prise en charge d’urgence: chirurgie
Emergency support: surgical procedures includes risk factors, clinical management and prevention (15-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Prise en charge courante
Current support to diabetes includes insulin management, HbA1c and monitoring (39-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Plan de soins chronique
Long-term care plan includes long-term complications and lipohypertrophy (24-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Comment faire face au diabète
How to deal with diabetes includes myths, pharmacokinetics and storage of insulin (24-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Diabète infantile et croissance
Diabetes in children and growth includes stages of growth, hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia in children (30-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Organisation des Centres de Diabétologie
Diabetes centers explains support and resources a diabetes center may offer (28-page PowerPoint Presentation).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISAPD), Insulution, Roche. No publication date.
Affiche: Gestion des jours de maladie dans le diabète de type 1
Sick Day Management in Type 1 Diabetes: poster format (1 page)
Source: Life for a Child (LFAC) & International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISPAD). 2020.
D’ÉDUCATIO N DES PAT IENTS P O U R L E P R O G R A M M E: Affiches interactives A3
Patient education program: interactive A3 poster format
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC) Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISPAD), Roche. 2012.
Affiches interactives A4
Patient education program: interactive A4 pictorial poster format (35 pages).
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC) Novo Nordisk, International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISPAD), Roche. 2012.
Le diabète de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : manuel de formation de base à l’usage des professionnels de santé des pays en développement
Diabetes in children and adolescents: basic training manual for health professionals in developing countries includes 9 chapters and 11 appendix (103 pages)
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Novo Nordisk; International Diabetes Society for Paediatric and Adolescents (ISPAD). 1st edition, 2011.
Autre matériel
Other materials
Guide sur le Diabète de Type 1 du Professeur Bumblebee
Professor Bumlebee’s Guide to Type 1 diabetes: a short 12 minutes cartoon video with Professor Bumblebee and Cara who take you to explore the human body to understand the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes.
(Note: although the video was developed over a decade ago, the information is still valid and applicable.)
Source: Diabetes Australia – NSW. 2010.
Moseka – Bande dessinée de la République Démocratique du Congo Jeune, comment vivre avec le diabète
Moseka and her friend: a realistic illustrated storybook for all children and adolescents (26 pages).
Developed in Democratic Republic of Congo and illustrated by Lepa and Bijou LOMBOTO ITOFO. Reviewed by Life for a Child regularly. No publication date.
Mon journal du diabète – le suivi de ton glycémie, d’insuline et de glucides tous dans un petit livret
My Diabetes Diary: tracking your blood glucose levels, insulin and carbs all in one small booklet. It can be printed as a pocket diary with 56 pages and developed in Sri Lanka.
Source: FIND; Life for a Child. No publication date.
Affiche: Gestion des jours de maladie dans le diabète de type 1
Sick Day Management in Type 1 Diabetes (1-page poster).
Source: Life for a Child (LFAC) & International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD). No publication date
Site internet de l’AJD
A French website to bring young people with diabetes, families and carers together to support young people with diabetes. It has a range of resources for kids & teens, teachers, families and carers.
Source: Aid for Young Diabetes, France. Website updated in 2023.