Not only does 24-year old mum Anabel live with type 1 diabetes, but so do all three of her young children. Hear her story.
“To stand up with such responsibility is very painful. It is not easy to live with the diabetes of my three children. When I see high blood glucose levels it brings me depression, feelings of guilt.
When I was 22, I had two children, Paulina and Tomás. At six years old Paulina was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was very hard to prick her skin with injections, and we had to make a lot of changes to our life. Thankfully, the diabetes center gave us insulin, supplies and diabetes education, so we managed quite well and life went on.
Until, six months later, when I started to feel tired and was going to the toilet a lot. I tested my own blood with Paulina’s meter. I was so surprised to see that I had a high level, and soon I, like my daughter, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
A year went by and my little boy Tomás started to show symptoms. I tried to ignore it at first, but sure enough, when I tested his blood he was also high and went on to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He was just 4 years old.
I was distraught, all three of us now had diabetes. I felt that this disease must be contagious and decided to leave the diabetes center. There seemed to be no other way to protect my children. However, without the insulin, I saw the levels rise and realized that we must all go back to the center. Luckily we didn’t stay away for too long.
Then along came my third daughter, Carminia and the same process took place – at 1 year and 2 months I started to notice the things I had observed my other children. Carminia was underweight, urinated a lot and cried. I tested her blood and her glucose level was 300mg/dl. My third child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Today, Carminia is 2 and a half, Tomás is 8 and Paulina is 10. Paulina is very intelligent, she helps her brother with his schoolwork and also helps me when I feel very low. It has been very hard dealing with the condition but with the help of the diabetes center and the insulin and supplies, we are managing. Living with diabetes is the hardest thing that has ever happened to me.”
You can help us support Anabel, Carminia, Tomás, Paulina and other young people like them by making a donation today. Just $30 can provide a child with insulin, strips, diabetes education and support for two months. Donate Today.