At age four, Yasir was rushed to hospital in Karachi, Pakistan where doctors realized he was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. He was diagnosed with type 1 and, for the next few days stayed in hospital with his parents.
Yasir comes from a poor family and lives in Karachi along with his parents and four brothers and sisters. His father is a laborer and his mother has her own business selling home-made snacks. Because of their low income and the high cost of diabetes supplies his family simply don’t have enough money to buy the insulin and tools Yasir needs to stay alive.
Your donations allow us to support Yasir by providing the basics he needs to manage his diabetes. This includes his twice daily regimen of short and long-acting insulin and the strips he receives when he attends clinic every month.
Yasir and his family get very frustrated with his diabetes and say that they ‘wish it would go away’. He attends school regularly and is in the expected grade for his age, although, he is shorter than his friends which makes him feel different. However, they realise that Yasir must take his insulin and monitor his blood glucose level to stay healthy.
Life for a Child’s Education Director, Angie first met Yasir in 2015 when she visited the National Institute for Children’s Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. We are pleased to report that, two years later Yasir is doing well and these photos show him at his most recent clinic visit. He does, however, have persistently high blood glucose levels, and is undergoing testing for Coeliac Disease.
Yasir’s story is full of hope and is only made possible by donations from people like you.
Can you donate $30 to support a child like Yasir? click here.