![بچوں کے لیے](https://lifeforachild.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/tile-education-spare.jpg)
بچوں کے لیے
![والدین کے لیے](https://lifeforachild.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/tile-education-parents.jpg)
والدین کے لیے
بچوں کے لیے
For kids & teens
'ٹائپ 1 ذیابیطس کیا ہے' حقائق نامہ
What is type 1 diabetes: this is a pictorial fact sheet (2 pages).
Source: Atfaal Welfare Society. No publication date.
صحت مند کھانے اور کاربوہائیڈریٹ کی گنتی کی فیکٹ شیٹ
Healthy eating and carb counting: this is a pictorial fact sheet (2 pages).
Source: Atfaal Welfare Society. No publication date.
انسولین انجیکشن فیکٹ شیٹ کا انتظام
Managing insulin injections: this is a pictorial fact sheet (2 pages).
Source: Atfaal Welfare Society. No publication date.
ذیابیطس فیکٹ شیٹ کا انتظام
Managing diabetes: this is a pictorial fact sheet (2 pages).
Source: Atfaal Welfare Society. No publication date.
ٹائپ 1 ذیابیطس کے لیے پروفیسر بمبلبی کی گائیڈs
Professor Bumblebee’s Guide to Type 1 Diabetes: a short 12 minutes cartoon video with Professor Bumblebee and Cara who take you to explore the human body to understand the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes.
(Note: although the video was developed over a decade ago, the information is still valid and applicable.)
Source: Diabetes Australia – NSW. 2010.
والدین کے لئے
For parents & carers
ذیابیطس کے ساتھ بچوں اور نوعمروں کی دیکھ بھال – والدین کا دستی
Caring for children and adolescents with diabetes – A parent manual: a comprehensive guide with 20 topics (157 pages). This is suitable for parents & carers and healthcare professionals.
Translation of Caring for Diabetes in Children and Adolescents, 3rd Edition into Urdu was sponsored by CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours) and completed by the expert team at NICH (the National Institute of Child Health) in Karachi, Pakistan. Special thanks to the manual’s authors, Geoffrey Ambler and Fergus Cameron, for giving CLAN permission to translate their excellent resource into other languages to benefit children around the world, and to Fish (CLAN donor over many years), for making it all possible.
میری ذیابیطس لاگ بک – اپنے بلڈ گلوکوز ، انسولین اور کاربوہائیڈریٹ کا پتہ لگائیں – ایک چھوٹے سے کتابچے میں جس کو فنڈ اور ایل ایف اے سی تیار کیا ہے۔
My Diabetes Logbook: a small booklet to monitor blood glucose levels, insulin and carbohydrates (57 pages). This is suitable for teens & young adults and parents & carers.
Source: FIND and Life for a Child (LFAC). 2020.
سیلف مینیجمنٹ ہینڈ بک: پاکستان میں ٹائپ 1 ذیابیطس کی تفہیم کے لیے منظم تعلیم (SETUP)
This 84-page resource is available in Urdu and English from Meethi Zindagi website (Embed into https://meethizindagi.org/publications/#Diabetes%20Education%20Resources), which covers 17 topics including Ramadan, pregnancy, carbohydrate counting and self-empowerment. This is also suitable for adults with type 1 diabetes and healthcare professionals.
Source: Meethi Zindagi. No publication date. The last Meethi Zindagi website update is 2020.