Для специалистов здравоохранения
Для специалистов здравоохранения
For healthcare professionals
Обследование стопы и нейропатия
This 8-page foot screening resource explains the diabetes neuropathy and shows how to perform the basic screening.
Source: Life for a Child, 2020.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.
Генетическое тестирование неонатального диабета
This 2-page neonatal diabetes resource explains the genetic testing for this condition.
Source: Life for a Child, 2024.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.
Корректировка инсулина для различных состояний и особых обстоятельств
This 13-page article provides basic principles for adjusting insulin doses and guidance on how to adjust insulin doses for various conditions and special circumstances.
Source: Life for a Child, 2020.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.
Таблица уровней лечения диабета
This 1-page table is a useful tool for clinical practice as shows levels of diabetes care and targets needed for diabetes with different treatments.
Source: unknown.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.
Диабет 1 типа и острые осложнения
This 3-page resource explains acute complications for T1D.
Source: Life for a Child, 2020.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2020.
Мичиганский прибор для скрининга невропатии (MNSI)
The ‘Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI)’ is a 2-page tool designed to screen for diabetic neuropathy in the primary healthcare setting.
Source: University of Michigan, 2000.
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.
Уровни лечения диабета 1 типа у детей и подростков в странах с разным уровнем ресурсов
This 11-page manuscript titled ‘levels of type 1 diabetes care in children and adolescents for countries at varying resource levels’ provides an overview of diabetes care in resource limited countries.
Ogle, G. D., von Oettingen, J. E., Middlehurst, A. C., Hanas, R., & Orchard, T. J. (2019). Levels of type 1 diabetes care in children and adolescents for countries at varying resource levels. Pediatric diabetes, 20(1), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.1111/pedi.12801
This translation was coordinated by Lauren McGill (a pharmacist with a post graduate diploma in diabetes) in 2024.