माता-पिता और देखभाल करने वालों के लिए

स्वास्थ्य देखभाल पेशेवरों के लिए

बच्चों और किशोरों के लिए
For parents & carers
मधुर जीवन जीना
Living the sweet life (68-page information book).
Source: Associate Professor Santosh Gupta, Washington University, St Louis, USA and Haridwar, India. No publication date.
बच्चों में टाइप 1 डायबिटीज का प्रबंधन करने के लिए, माता-पिता के लिए गाइड।
A parent guide to managing type 1 diabetes in children (68-page).
Source: Advanced Pediatric Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India. 2022.
बचपन एंड युवावस्था में मधुमेह
The 56-page ‘diabetes education book’ covers different topics such as acute complications and nutrition.
Source: V Bhatia, EB Lucknow, 2019. Reviewed by Indian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology (ISPAE) in 2022.
बच्चों में टाइप 1 डायबिटीज के प्रबंधन के लिए माता-पिता का मार्गदर्शक
A parent guide to managing type 1 diabetes in children: includes over 10 topics (68 pages). This can also be suitable for teens & young adults, and healthcare professionals. (This is also available in English and Punjabi.)
Source: Rohilla L, Dayal D, Bharti B, Malli P at the Advanced Pediatric Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India. 2022.
For healthcare professionals
सीडीआईसी बेसिक एचपी ट्रेनिंग मैनुअल
CDiC Basic HP Training Manual (Hindi)
Source: Changing Diabetes in Children; Novo Nordisk. 2011
For children and teens
Bluelight (comic book, हास्य पुस्तक)
A series of bluelight comic books available in Hindi and English for low health literacy readers. The comic books feature children with type 1 diabetes from different regions of India to story tell there diabetes management outlining the diversity of management.
Source: Diabesties Foundation, 2020 (Vol 1) and 2023 (Vol 2).