Para niños y adolescentes

Para adolescentes

Para padres y cuidadores

Para los profesionales de la salud

Otros sitios web
Para niños y adolescentes
For kids & teens
Los Amigos De Pipe
Pipe’s Friends: it covers a range of topics for kids with diabetes including self-monitoring and insulin injections (26 pages).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. 2014.
Hyperglycaemia: a poster with signs and symptoms (1 page).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. 2018
Hypoglycaemia: a poster with signs and symptoms (1 page).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. 2018
Diario de autocuidado
Self-monitoring diary to record blood glucose levels and insulin (64 pages).
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
¿Qué es la diabetes?
What is diabetes? a brochure (2 pages).
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
Insulin: a brochure (2 pages).
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
Hipoglucemia e hiperglucemia
Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia: a brochure (2 pages)
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
Alimentación y actividad física
Nutrition & physical activity: a brochure (2 pages).
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
Derechos de los niños
Children’s right: a brochure (2 pages).
Source: Children’s Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Argentina. No publication date.
Diabetes Con Ruedites, cuento para niños de 0-5 anos
Diabetes with Wheels: a story for children 0-5 years old. It is developed by psychologists from Argentina (16 pages). This is suitable for kids and parents & carers.
Source: Roche. 2011.
Nuestro alumno con diabetes
Our student with diabetes: a children fun activity book (4 pages).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. No publication date.
Triptico colegios
Our students with diabetes – school: a brochure (2 pages).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. No publication date.
Entendiendo la diabetes
A series of seven short cartoon videos regarding diabetes self-management (~3 minutes for each video).
Source: Health Nuts Media. No publication date.
La Guia a la Diabetes Tipo 1 del Professor Abejorro (Bumblebee)
A short 12 minutes cartoon video with Professor Bumblebee and Cara who take you to explore the human body to understand the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes.
(Note: although the video was developed over a decade ago, the information is still valid and applicable.)
Source: Diabetes Australia – NSW. 2010.
Para adolescentes
For teens & young adults
Lista de porciones
Carbohydrate list: a list used for carbohydrate counting (2 pages). This can be suitable for teens & young adults, parents & carers and healthcare professionals.
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile. 2016
Pipe – enseña a vivir con diabetes
Pipe – teaches how to live with diabetes: a children’s drawing book covers what is diabetes, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, injection and self-monitoring (60 pages).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. 2011.
Mi diario de diabetes: realice un seguimiento de la glucosa en sangre, la insulina y los carbohidratos, todo en un pequeño folleto
My Diabetes Diary: a small booklet to monitor blood glucose levels, insulin and carbohydrates (56 pages). This is suitable for teens & young adults, parents & carers and healthcare professionals.
Source: FIND, Life for a Child (LFAC). No publication date.
Diabeteam magazine
Diabetes team: a magazine (16 pages)
Source: Diabetes Argentina. 2009.
¿Qué es la diabetes?
What is diabetes? a fact sheet (2 pages).
Source: Hormone Health Network. 2012.
Para padres y cuidadores
For parents & carers
Guías para el manejo de la Diabetes
Guideline for diabetes management: a fact sheet (6 pages).
Source: Seattle Children’s Hospital. 2009.
Alimentación saludable y conteo de carbohidratos - Platillos Mexicanos
Healthy eating and carbohydrate counting: Mexican food (48 pages). This is also suitable for teens & young adults as well as healthcare professionals.
Source: Life for a Child (LFAC), International Society for Paediatric & Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Mexican Diabetes Federation. 1st edition, 2023.
Alimentación saludable y conteo de carbohidratos - Comida Ecuatoriana
Healthy eating and carbohydrate counting: Ecuadorian food (48 pages). This is also suitable for teens & young adults as well as healthcare professionals.
Source: Life for a Child (LFAC), International Society for Paediatric & Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Ecuador, ESPOL. 1st edition, 2023.
Para los profesionales de la salud
For healthcare professionals
Libro de bolsillo para el tratamiento de la diabetes en la infancia y adolescencia en países de escasos recursos
Pocketbook for Management of Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence in Under-Resourced Countries (60 pages).
Source: International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Life for a Child (LFAC), International Diabetes Federation (IDF). 2nd edition, 2017.
Diabetes en los niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes: conoce los signos de alerta
Diabetes in children, teens and young adult: know the warning signs. This is the type 1 diabetes warning sign poster (1 page). It is in different languages and all can be found here.
Source: International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Life for a Child (LFAC), Leona M and Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust, International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Mexican Diabetes Federation. No publication date.
Guía para el personal de enfermería
Guide for nursing staff. This is designed to facilitate the education for children and teen with type 1 diabetes 8-12 years old (32 pages).
Source: International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC), Roche, Novo Nordisk. No publication date.
Guía Nutricional para aprender a contar Hidratos de Carbono
Nutritional guide to learn to count carbohydrates: this is a pictorial guide for carbohydrate counting (44 pages). This is suitable for healthcare professionals, parents & carers and young adults.
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile. No publication date.
Manejo de los días de enfermedad en Diabetes Tipo 1
Management of sick days in Type 1 Diabetes: fact sheet (1 page).
Source: International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Life for a Child (LFAC). 2020.
Hipoglicemia (poster)
Hypoglycaemia poster: includes signs and treatment (1 page).
Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile, Chile. No publication date.
Otros sitios web
Other websites
Material educativo Diabetes Chile
The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Chile has a range of printed (stories, recipes, infographic posters) and audiovisual resources in Spanish and English. This website is suitable for young adults, parents & carers and healthcare professionals.
No information on website updates. Last access in 2023.
JDRF Recursos en Español
The JDRF resources in Spanish: a range of resources in type 1 diabetes.
No information on website updates. Last access in 2023.