Through the provision of essential diabetes supplies and supporting of health care professionals, Life for a Child is helping to improve health outcomes for supported young people living with T1D in supported countries.
The provision of T1D care is an immediate need for young people in countries that Life for a Child supports. From a sustainability perspective, we are hard at work developing a range of evidence-based and community advocacy initiatives that encourage local investment for T1D care.
In developing these advocacy tools, Life for a Child is demonstrating that local investment in T1D care is cost-effective, life-saving, and possible.
The goal of Life for a Child’s advocacy is to positively change the lives of young people living with diabetes by influencing the increased provision of insulin and other essential components of care. This work is supported by the Leona M and Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Life for a Child’s advocacy ethos follows three main tracks, including the international, national, and community levels.

Advocacy news
Diabetes Advocacy Toolkit published

Community advocacy
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National advocacy
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